Guide to looking older

I finally found that article if you’re interested. I’ve tried to attach a link, let’s see if it works. I feel most sorry for the poor girl with the fake tan. She doesn’t look older, just odd.


I was out for post yoga burgers and beersies with the boys the other night when I learned a new word.


Took my car in for a WOF and service at the Tesla workshop this morning.

Fashion faux pas

My usual routine of a weekday morning is to drink two big cups of plunger coffee while reading through various news websites to keep abreast of the latest environmental calamity , and who’s killing who.

Bye now!

For absolutely no good reason that I can fathom, I’ve started typing in “thnkas!” at the end of my letters, instead of “thanks!” which is what I’m actually going for.


I just got an email from the people who run my mindfulness app, to say they are adding a new feature, the daily quote.


I hate to harp on about things, but women’s clothing sizing has been doing my head in this week.