
The tiny citrus fruit on the mystery tree near our front gate seems finally to have ripened.

The fact that it’s been sitting on that tree for the last six months, growing infinitesimally slowly, and is even then the first fruit that tree has produced in it’s entire ten year history, leads me to believe that it’s probably a lime, in spite of it’s colour.

Mystery fruit

I’m very excited. I think today’s the day I will finally harvest it and find out it’s identity.

Meanwhile, my two lemon trees are laden with fruit that I cannot even give away.

Yes, it’s a bit ironic.

Anyway – the heart wants what the heart wants. Let’s do this thing.

Looking good so far! Not even any seeds! I know it’s not good for continuing propagation of the species, but it’s great in a G and T.


Aaaargh! It’s just a runty lemon!

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