Another day

Back in Wellington, I’m on the bus to work after voting.
It’s always a pleasure to exercise my democratic right. My kids have mostly voted already. Another reason for having children! Hopefully I have inculcated them sufficiently with my left leaning beliefs that they have voted accordingly. I don’t want to be controversial so I won’t say who I voted for, although I will say my aim is to keep the fascists out.
I’m sitting on the top level of our double decker bus. All this talk about “busaggedon” but actually at the stop we’ve just reached there are eight buses due in the next ten minutes; that’s pretty good service.

I’m sitting behind a teenage couple who have spent the last ten minutes complaining about the teachers at their school, and have now switched to a game similar to “yellow car” where the object is to spot all the bald men we pass on the Wellington streets. The view is pretty unforgiving from the top deck, believe me! Oh to have the cold hard brutal clarity of youth!

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