Further Nile thoughts

Sitting on the top deck, it’s 41 degrees in the shade. I’m waiting for a drink of kakadee, a drink made from hibiscus.
If it doesn’t come soon I’m going to have to bail and get in the pool. Mankind is not made for these sort of temperatures. Meanwhile the local kids continue to wave and yell as we cruise by.

I forgot to show you these statues on the temple today, literally defaced by early Christians to show the locals that they weren’t in fact Gods. Rude.

The other thing I was going to say was that all the crew on board the ship are male. On the first night when the captain asked everyone to introduce themselves, he called them his men. Where are the women? There were a few working at the hotel in Cairo but generally they are invisible.

Also I don’t think I’ve mentioned much about the ship. This is it, the Tosca.

We are on the (checks notes) starboard side of the ship, near the bow, on deck three, just under the top deck. Our view when the boat is sailing along the Nile is amazing.

View from bed

On the other hand, when we are docked our sister ship parks right alongside us. They even use our atrium to get on and off their ship. This is our view then.

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