A brave new world

Arrived in Cairo today. Not only is it my first time in Egypt, it’s my first time anywhere on the continent of Africa. Exciting.

Our departure from Istanbul was uneventful. Our Egypt Air flight took just over two hours to get us to Cairo. From the air, the entire city looks the colour of dried mud. We were met at the airport by a representative of our tour group. The drive in to our hotel took about an hour. The city looks like dried mud close up too. The traffic was chaotic but more freeform than Istanbul. The cars in Istanbul are surprisingly late model and in good condition but in Egypt they are generally pretty old and beaten up. I saw three horse drawn carts on the motorway.

Our hotel is an oasis of wealthy magnificence, right next to the pyramids – you can even see them from our deck.

Dinner at an Italian restaurant by the pool, a brief wander around the hotel complex, and then to bed. A big day tomorrow.


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