Late at night in Istanbul

Our plane has landed and we’re taxiing to the gate.

The flight took around three and a half hours, and Turkey is two hours ahead of Scotland so it’s after 11 pm here.
It wasn’t really business class. The seats were fatter but they didn’t recline very far. The food was good though. The steward kept calling me “sir”, not sure if that was a language thing? I’m wearing a dress now. The other odd thing was the movie I was watching kept stopping every five minutes. This was irritating but it was the “Super Mario Brothers” movie so losing track of the plot wasn’t much of an issue. Not sure why it was such a blockbuster hit this year? Doesn’t seem much different from Saturday morning kids TV I remember from when our children were small.
Anyway, I wanted to show you my Strava from today so you could be properly impressed.

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