
Day one cycling along the Mosel. I am hot, tired, and grumpy.
I’ve got beard rash on my chin and it’s making me annoyed at my husband for not being better shaved. It’s been a couple of days now and it’s getting more obvious, not less. Not even my fabulous eyelashes can draw the onlookers eyes away from it.

Some ancient monument from antiquity but what’s that thing on her chin??

Also it’s hot hot hot. It’s meant to be autumn but we’ve been cycling in temperatures up to the late twenties all day.

You try cycling in this heat!

We arrived at our accommodation just now and the couple we are traveling with have been given the best room, with views out over the valley and of churches and such scenic things. Our room is a shoebox looking out over the busy main road. Lucky I’m not one to complain.

Having arrived late in the afternoon yesterday in Trier, we did most of our sightseeing this morning, in our unappealing cycling gear. I’m glad we made the time to do it because it gave us a completely different impression of the place. It’s chock full of UNESCO world heritage sites. You couldn’t throw a stone without hitting some ancient Roman historic building (I expect someone would whistle at you loudly if you did that though). We saw around five, including the amphitheater at the top of the page.
After that we collected our bikes and headed off. We had to travel through a bit of light industrial areas but eventually things got very scenic and that’s how it stayed. Bizarrely, we could only find one place to eat at lunchtime, a winery that offered four flavours of pizza in addition to wine. The place was jam packed with cyclists. They must have been making money hand over fist. Beats me why nowhere else was open.
We found another ruined Roman house en route, a bit ho hum for us now after our morning in Trier.
In fact the highlight of the day was probably seeing a lock in the river in action. Fascinating.

A big day

A bit of downtime in our hotel in Trittenheim for me to regain my equilibrium and have a shower before an early dinner. I think it’s pizza again but once again dining options are limited. Why? The owner did say they had several restaurants shutting up shop over COVID, so maybe that’s what’s happened.

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