The eyes have it

Got my eyebrows and eyelashes dyed the day we left New Zealand.
I got introduced to dyeing my brows last year, as I’m sure I’ve mentioned. I saved myself hundreds of dollars by doing it DIY but then realized looking like Boris from the Russian mafia for several days every couple of months just wasn’t worth it. Plus it’s quite relaxing having it done by a professional, now that I’ve learned not to get them waxed so that all the skin peels off.Plus,  I get a free hand massage while the beautician waits for the dye to set.
She waxed lyrical about eyelash perms last time, and I was persuaded to give it a try, years of disappointment having clearly taught me nothing.
The result is certainly startling. Or, I look startled, at least.

The lashes now bend straight up at a 90 degree angle. It’s very impressive and perfectly acceptable, since no one cares about looking natural these days. Call me old fashioned, though, but I’m still getting a shock every time I look in the mirror, so I won’t be doing it again. I fear I could never make a living out of being a beauty influencer.

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