
People keep asking me if I’m excited by my upcoming trip, but the truth is, I’m not. I’m too anxious about packing.

This happens to me every holiday. It’s not too bad for a short trip to a single destination. A week on a pacific island, for example. But we’re going to a range of different places, spanning continents, with hugely different climates and cultures, and doing a bunch of different activities. A cycling trip in Germany, a conference in Edinburgh, sightseeing in Istanbul, and exploring Egypt, including a cruise down the Nile. No, I don’t expect you to feel sorry for me, but just know that putting everything I’m going to need to live in one suitcase is driving me mad. I’ve completely lost confidence in any ability I’ve ever had to choose what to wear for any activity. I’ve just come back from the supermarket, and it took me half an hour to decide what clothes to put on for that. I think I’m becoming unhinged.

I’ll be smiling too when my packing is done
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A sister-in-law
A sister-in-law
1 year ago

Apart from the cycling part of the trip – just plan to buy any essential clothes as you go! Oh and maybe another suitcase to bring it all back in …

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