
Arrived at work today for my 15 hour shift only to find no scrub jackets to wear.

We’re only allowed to wear scrubs in theatre, not our own clothes, but there are generally plenty of pants and short sleeved tops available, although not always in a suitable size. If you’re super-massively obese or severely malnourished , you’re fine, but the more common sizes are not well served.
Even harder to access are the so called ‘warm up’ jackets. In the summer months there is no shortage of these on the uniform shelves, but in winter, they vanish. The problem is that as they become harder to come by, people horde them in their lockers to ensure they’ll have one the next time they are at work. So, at any one time, when many of us who are sensitive to the cold are shivering and goose pimpled, there are dozens of these jackets sitting in people’s lockers who aren’t even at work. It’s galling. I’ve complained in the past, and been told that if I care that much, I should put some jackets in my locker too. This advice fills me with frustration. I don’t want to be part of the problem. There’s a reason I vote left when it’s not necessarily in my interest. I care about the well-being of the majority. Mind you, when your preferred party starts putting out vote grabbing populist policies in desperation in the face of unfavorable polling, even I start to despair. Taking gst off fruit and vegetables in the face of universal derision from economists from all across the political spectrum, I’m looking at you.

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