
Well! Ive just got off the phone with a lovely young lady who was able to patiently talk me through my banking travails. She even said to me, as I was struggling to type in my password,“That’s it Kirsty! You’re doing really well!”

It turns out I was trying to log into internet banking rather than use the appropriate app on my phone. So silly! Even though I was on my phone, clicking on an app I had downloaded that looked the same…apparently that was some sort of decoy app they use overseas, completely different to the one they use here, even though it looks identical and has the same name. Anyway – it’s all resolved to my satisfaction and I am again feeling calm, happy and not homicidal.

I’m sure there’s a lesson for me there somewhere – for me if not for the faceless corporates out there. Given time I could probably work out what it is. Unfortunately I still have eight more action points on my ‘to-do’ list, so there won’t be any time for contemplation or self reflection today. Pity.

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