I’ll cry if I want to

Well it’s that time of year again.

Today I’m looking after another patient younger than me having a facelift, but yesterday it was my  birthday.


In the face of ongoing political and environmental disasters, war, the world on fire, and the imminent collapse of the Gulf Stream, it’s hard to make sense of the world. Taking to one’s bed in a gibbering wreck won’t help though, and it doesn’t pay the bills either. In the spirit of keeping calm and carrying on, then, we had a family dinner party at our place last night for my big day. Hubby cooked a fabulous vegan dinner(no, not an oxymoron) in spite of being full of some lurgy that made him tired and grumpy (although he denied the latter it was objectively true); and two daughters made an amazing vegan cake, better than any cake of any ilk I have made in my entire life. Humbling.

Made with lemons from my very own garden! (I can’t cook but I can grow stuff. Well, I pay a gardener…surely that counts?)

The other thing the offspring are better than me at (well, I’m sure there are many things, but these were the talents on display yesterday), was gifts. My favourite were these socks which I’m wearing today.


They totally suit the zeitgeist, being full of Barbie energy. I saw the film on Monday and it’s my favourite of the year so far. Girl power! Down with the patriarchy! Although I must confess a soft spot for Ken and Allen.



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Chris Thorn
Chris Thorn
1 year ago

Love the socks, must hunt down a pair for my granddaughter. That’s her favourite phrase along with “I knew that before you even told me”

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