Samoa day 4

Sunday today, and the locals were singing beautifully during their church service this morning at the resort chapel. No, we didn’t join them but we could hear them as we made our way back to our room after breakfast.

I think the Saletoga Sands resort and spa also serves as a wedding venue, hence the little church on site. Or maybe all the resorts have churches for the staff? Who knows. It’s possible, as they are a very religious populace it seems.
We checked out of the resort late morning, leaving our unit under the protection of one of the numerous cats that live there.

Good bye to the fale that was our home for 3 days.

I’m not a big fan of cats, and watching one play with and then eat a little lizard during our lunch the other day hasn’t endeared them to me.

No school children on our drive today, but lots of well dressed locals on their way to and from church.

I wondered how full the churches would be, considering there are so many, and most of them are huge.

This one was absolutely packed, and you could hear the minister giving a very powerful sermon, it sounded full of fire and brimstone. I bet all the sinners (everyone, right?) would have been quaking in their seats.

We stopped at another waterfall on our journey, then had lunch at a little restaurant up in the mountains before driving down into Apia.

Taumeasina Island resort seems a step up from our previous accommodation, with a commensurate increase in price tag, but I’m loving it so far. This is the view from where I’m writing this in our unit.


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