Samoa day 3

Including random thoughts.
Most of the radio stations we’ve been able to get in the car have been from American Samoa, so the DJs and all the ads have American accents, and the news is all from mainland America. The music is generally bad, modern rap and hip hop. One station had better music but if you listened to the lyrics they were all about Jesus and what a good guy he is. Strangely enough, American Samoa is a day behind Western Samoa, a convention to do with trading partners.
As I’ve mentioned before, there are a lot of churches here.

Do you have face pareidolia? I do. Like this guy.
Very grand but that’s a fake bell tower, with a clock painted on.

Today we visited To Sua ocean trench.

This is me remembering my extreme fear of heights.

It was lots of fun to swim around in, apart from all the young people squealing and splashing each other and generally having a good time in a very annoying way.
Once I survived the return journey up the ladder (“Don’t look down! Don’t look down!”) we were ready to go back to our fale for a nap. A much lazier day than yesterday. 

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