Where’s the harm?

Thinking of the old phrase “What you can’t see can’t hurt you”.

In my line of work I can think of way too many examples where that doesn’t apply. Consider microbiology, and then here I am hiding in the corner as far as I can get from the x ray machine.

(That’s not me in the pic, I’m the one taking the photo). Most surgery we do is for stuff that’s hidden away inside your body, like cancers, and when the GP puts you on medication it’s often for invisible things like high BP and elevated lipid levels in your blood.

In fact, what are the things that the phrase is saying we should be afraid of? I’d argue that the lion that’s clearly visible on the African savannah is way less of an issue than the one that’s creeping up behind you. Similarly for the speeding car that you miss when you do your quick glance to left and right before you step out into the traffic. I suppose the scary things that aren’t hidden would include the baddie in front of you with gun/knife/fist. I’m scaring myself now! Best not to think of it. Out of sight, out of mind.

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