Feathery destruction

I had to stop feeding the local tui and kaka sugar water last year because the kaka were shredding our umbrella and wisteria plants.
It was a shame because both birds were fun to watch and I love their calls, the tuis with a melodic warble and the kakas with a prehistoric shriek. However, the local kaka population has continued to thrive, notwithstanding my withdrawal of their sugary treat. It seems a common problem in the Wellington region now is damage to local trees. The natives are surviving OK but exotics like pines are not.
Which brings me to the stand of trees across the road. I’ve quite liked the varied depth of view they’ve provided, but Simon has never liked them. Anyway, our opinions are immaterial – the kaka have been having at the trees and they are now going. The council have made their decision and the workers have been here over the last week or so, gradually cutting them back.

I keep thinking they’ve finished but they’ve just now arrived back and are setting to work again.

Anyway, I’ll post a picture at the end once they’re done. In the meantime, I must stop allowing myself to be distracted from the scheduling work I’m supposed to be doing. The perils of working from home.

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