Day 12, exiting Tokyo

The rain stopped, but a freezing cold day. 12 degrees, not including wind chill.

I felt very unprepared in my summery sandals. And to think, only a couple of days ago it was 28 degrees! In anticipation of the weather, we decided to plan an indoor activity, such as a museum. We’d done some belated research the night before, only to discover the majority of such places close on a Monday. Luckily for me, the Bunka Gakuen costume museum was open and only a short walk away. I love these sort of galleries, but I must say, I was surprised that Simon agreed to it. He was leaning towards the toy museum, until he discovered it was somewhere you’re supposed to take your kids to so they can play. Urgh.

The museum was small but perfectly formed. Strangely, the majority of the exhibition was about European women’s fashion in the last 250 years. I loved it so much I bought the book. It’s in Japanese but the pictures are gorgeous.

We had another abortive attempt after that to find the famous pedestrian crossing, but Simon’s phone GPS was playing up so much he was getting horribly grumpy, and we were getting no nearer to our intended destination, so we gave up. I took over directions after that, and got us to the Godzilla statue, the destination we didn’t know we needed.

Simon flees in terror for his life

After that it was back to our hotel for lunch before catching the airport shuttle bus.

It took us two hours to get to the airport, but once we arrived it was a very smooth process. The first lounge we checked into was full and very unappealing, so we ventured out and it turns out fortune favours the brave. The second lounge we found is excellent. They have a machine that pours your beer for you which has got Simon very excited. He’s even taken a film of it in action. I was just pleased to find somewhere I could have a shower. Going to post this now before we board in case we don’t make it. In which case, i love you all my children, and I forgive you for your trespasses. No time for a spellcheck I’m sorry, hubby is champing at the bit.

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