Day 7 Fukuoka cont

It’s late and we’re sailing out of Fukuoka Harbour, I’m watching the lights of the city go by my window as I’m writing this in bed.
Simon remains in the Commodore Bar having a nightcap but I wanted to write this before I went to sleep. What an amazing afternoon!

Our visit to Fukuoka happened to fall in a bank holiday when they have a big parade. “Join the Hakata Dontaku Festival” went the shore excursions brochure, and Simon chose it because it was the only one available in English. Little did we know that they meant “join” quite literally. As soon as we got on the tour bus they gave us a package which included not only a bottle of water but also a colourful scarf and jacket, a long dried plant with a paper fish attached to it, a mask, and two wooden spoons. Our job was then, after a five minute history lesson and pep talk, to dress up and be in the parade. I don’t know who thought this was a good idea but I suspect after several dud years due to COVID, they were desperate for a successful festival this year and high participation may have seemed a simple way of ensuring that. It was completely surreal.

Style: you’ve either got it or you ain’t
Cultural appropriation? Moi? Looking the real deal.
The crowds were happy to see us. Well, nobody booed.
The people the crowds had really come to see

The parade lasted about 45 minutes, and then we had some down time before the shuttle took us back to the ship. We found these characters that everyone wanted their photos taken with. I have no idea who they were, but guessing my offspring might know? Anyway, they were lovely and very accommodating.

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