Japan day 2

Waiting for Simon to get ready.
He’s been out already this morning for an early morning run and recce here in the port of Yokohama. We board our cruise ship early afternoon, and because Japan is a civilised country with 11 am checkouts at their hotels, it gives us time to do some exploring this morning. This is the view from our hotel room.

Yokohama panorama

We had a long and exhausting day yesterday. We got up at 3:30 in order to catch our 6 am flight to Auckland, and then it was an eleven hour flight to Tokyo. Yes, we were up in the pointy end of the plane but lovely food and the ability to lie down while watching movies didn’t prevent a wicked headache. A couple of glasses of wine too early in the day may have to contributed to that, I will admit.

The airport experience was very smooth. For some reason I thought that with all it’s high tech and automation, Japan wouldn’t have people doing ‘menial’ jobs like pointing the way around the airport, but they were all over the place which made things so much easier. I hadn’t appreciated it when we booked our accommodation, but it’s 100 km from the airport to Yokohama. We toyed with the idea of taking a taxi the whole way, but in the end we braved the train system and I’m glad we did. So clean! So efficient! So spacious! So user friendly, even to foreign visitors. The train took about an hour and a half, and we then took a taxi the rest of the way.

It was 8:30 by the time we checked in, which with the time difference was after midnight, so we just got room service and went to bed.

Seafood salad ingredients a little too identifiable for my liking
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