
Finally got my official telling off today.

It’s been so long I never really managed to whip myself up into a sufficient state of stress and anxiety to embarrass myself with tears or an angry outburst. I still don’t really understand why what I did was so bad. If the person who felt attacked hadn’t complained then I expect it wouldn’t have gone any further. Weirdly, my boss then told a story of the exact same thing happening to her the week before i.e. left by herself in theatre all day with no one popping in to see how she was going or to give her breaks, and she said how much it had annoyed her. So, wasn’t my mentioning it actually a useful thing to do? But it was part of a larger pattern of behaviour, apparently, of editorials that nearly crossed the line into – what, exactly? I’m still unsure. The examples she gave were not the ones I expected. She mentioned one in which I said I got to work late. Hard to see the controversy in that? Oh well. I won’t be writing any more editorials as it’s clear there’s something adrift with my moral compass.

In the meantime, my offspring are causing me sleepless nights so really a gentle reprimand from my boss is the last of my worries. Plus, I was informed today that Goofy has fleas, for the first time ever. Picked up from less scrupulously well cared for mutts at doggy daycare, I’ll be bound. Life is just one damned thing after another, isn’t it?

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