On second thoughts

Actually I might be up to third or fourth thoughts by now? Hard to be certain.

After the furore following last week’s newsletter editorial (apparently the subject was heavily canvassed at the senior staff meeting on Wednesday, which I thankfully missed), I decided to play it safe, and lay low for a while. But! Then I had a brilliant idea for an editorial that wasn’t an editorial, and this duly appeared in yesterday’s Easter edition of the newsletter.

I was hoping for a nicely balanced combination of apology, regret, self deprecation, and humour. But now I’m wondering, should I have followed my first instinct and just sat down and shut up? Do I come across as a self promoting hypocrite? Is this going to be a red rag to a bull as far as my boss is concerned? Or am I overthinking it? (A novel experience for me). My fellow editors didn’t have any concerns. Well, one is off with the Rona but the other is back from her holiday and she thought it was fine. I guess we’ll see what next week brings.

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