Old scheduling email Jan 5, 2018

My last year of scheduling! Up until I recently boomeranged back into the role, that is. And has this sign of obvious good faith and selflessness helped me in buttering up my evil overlords? No it has not.

From: Kirsty Jordan
Sent: Friday, 5 January 2018 2:46 p.m.
To: Wellington Anaesthesia All Staff
Subject: Flushed away

Happy New Year Everyone!

Thought I’d start the year on an upbeat note, hence the exclamation mark. Sitting by myself in the scheduling office once more.  Chris has set off early for a long weekend of cycling fun in Rotorua. Since he knew the country’s first storm related fatality occurred up there this morning (some poor person hit by a tree while sitting in their car on the main street), I’m impressed by his optimism. I’m cautiously hoping for more rain down here than we’ve had so far. Considering my weather app has been telling me for the past couple of days that there’s a 100% chance of rain where I am, surprising little has fallen to quench my garden’s thirst. I enjoy film footage of Aucklander’s being rained out of their camping spots as much as the next guy, but really, we could do with a little more of it down here.

I always think it’s slightly offensive when people ask what your New Years Resolutions are. Is there something about me that so obviously needs improving? Clearly my fabulousness is not shining through brightly enough. The subject did come up with one of my daughter’s this week. Her resolutions are to drink more water, and shop for clothes more often. I’m too afraid to ask the others.

One landmark for our family this week was buying some fish for our new pond. I managed to squeeze this under my husband’s radar in our landscaping plans last year by calling it a water feature. I let each of the girls choose a goldfish at the petshop, except for Rebecca. She had her heart set on a mutant fish that had one googly eye, and one normal one. It was quite hideous. I was quite pleased with myself for being very firm about not getting it, but rather another one that was much cuter, healthier and more vigorous looking. I think she accepted my explanation of the importance of choosing pets wisely as a good life lesson. It is important that children know who is the boss. I’m a bit vague now as to how I found myself back at Animates the next day, buying the aforementioned fishy friend, but I’m sure that doesn’t detract from my parenting message, and anyway Maddie (short for Mad Eye Moodie) is quite one of the family now. The other fish are called Jackie (short for Jackass) and David “Fanny” Schwimmer. I have inherited Rebecca’s rejected fish and am at a bit of a standstill with names. Apparently the two options I’ve come up with so far (“Bob” and “Fluffy”) are lame, so clearly I need to put more thought into it.


Oh Boy look at that rain outside! Careful what you wish for, I suppose – although I’m happy to send you all my very best wishes for the coming year.



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