
I only discovered eyebrow tinting a few months ago, but I love it.

I’ve always been a bit slow with beauty tricks. My daughter had to educate me about eyebrow pencils a couple of years ago. I blame my mother, who was too busy being a full time psychiatrist and mother of five children to waste time being pampered.

We had good friends visiting who were plastic surgeons the first time I dyed my brows at home. They were very polite but soon afterwards I was gifted a voucher to a local beautician for a professional job. I made my first appointment for last Friday.

I must say, it was a lovely experience. Novel to spend time on such a self indulgent activity. I chatted with the nice lady about the surgeon who had given me the gift card. Are there many female plastic surgeons, she asked? Running through the ones I knew in my mind, I figured out they make up about 50%, significantly more than in some other specialties, like orthopaedics or general surgery. “Oh yes, and I guess they wouldn’t be doing something like neurosurgery !” She said, but before I had a chance to ask her what she meant, she’d started waxing my eyebrows, which was not what I expected when I’d booked myself in for some gentle pampering. Never mind, it was all over very quickly and I was back outside her office less than half an hour after arriving.

When she’d showed me the result in a mirror in her office, I’d been very pleased. It wasn’t until later that night I realised I’d lost some skin from my upper eyelid.

Is this normal? No pain, no gain? It’s not really what I signed up for, though. Not sure I’ll be booking myself in for that again.

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