Just spent an hour filling out an application form online, and then emailed it off, only for the recipient to reply that the form was blank. Continue reading “Oh no you don’t!”
A state of mild regret
In case you don’t have enough to concern you with climate change, there is another major environmental emergency happening in our time – the mass extinction of insects. Continue reading “A state of mild regret”
Spare Sussex
Did a list with an expat Brit neurosurgeon on Tuesday, so there was naturally much chat about the ginger prince’s new book. Continue reading “Spare Sussex”
Speaking of the 6th of January, my French teacher tells me that is the Catholic festival of Epiphany, when the three kings AKA the wise men turned up with their odd assortment of gifts for the baby Jesus. Continue reading “Epiphany”
And now it’s down to business
It’s chilly outside. Continue reading “And now it’s down to business”
Cancer dog update
Well it’s been over a year since the purchase of our schnoodle replacement dog, and in the meantime Ruby is maintaining her tenacious grip on life out of sheer bloody mindedness, it seems. Continue reading “Cancer dog update”
The killing fields
Popped into Animates pet shop today for quick perusal of the piscine offerings. What I saw horrified me. (Click bait? Moi?) Continue reading “The killing fields”
Just sitting down with a glass of wine on the 6th of January, Continue reading “Thoughtful”
In the way
As I was cycling up the hospital driveway this morning, a taxi driver coming the other way gestured rudely at me, angrily pointing at the road as if to say “How is a man meant to do an honest day’s work when uppity cyclists keep muscling onto their roadway?” Continue reading “In the way”
Head case
One of my daughters has “borrowed” my bike helmet so I decided I’d buy a new one today. Continue reading “Head case”