Movie review RRR

I’ve just finished watching RRR on Netflix. It’s a fine example of the grand tradition of Bollywood epics, and I  highly recommend it.

It’s quite long, at three hours, but very busy. It’s set in India around a hundred years ago during the time of the British Raj. I must say, the English make extremely good bad guys, I wonder why we don’t see more of it? The film has an R16 rating, which I expect is due to the blood shed. There’s certainly no sex or nudity- the romance in it is desultory at best, although the bromance of the male leads is certainly front and centre. It’s action packed with lots of different types of fighting, mostly quite cartoonish so the high body count isn’t too distressing. In fact there’s  a sort of pantomime quality to the whole endeavor . Yes, some scenes tug at the heart strings, but it never takes itself too seriously. Although come to think of it, no one makes any wisecracks that they would in your typical Hollywood action film.

The characters will occasionally randomly burst into song, but you wouldn’t really call it a musical. The most important feature, as with any Bollywood film, are the dance numbers, which are absolutely terrific and completely bonkers.

I never learnt what RRR stands for I’m afraid.

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