
Speaking of the 6th of January, my French teacher tells me that is the Catholic festival of Epiphany, when the three kings AKA the wise men turned up with their odd assortment of gifts for the baby Jesus. I guess two weeks is making pretty good time if you’re traveling by camel.

In France this is celebrated by more presents, and a special almond flavoured cake called a galette des roi. The dish comes with a small plastic bean that represents the baby Jesus, and if you end up with the slice with the bean in it, you get to be king (or queen) for the day and wear a special crown. Call me a helicopter parent, but this sounds like a choking hazard. I’m sure ACC wouldn’t approve. My mother in law used to have a stash of farthings to put in the Christmas plum pudding, I wonder what happened to them? I can’t even remember the last time I ate a plum pudding. We didn’t even have any Christmas cake this year, or a turkey. At least I ate a couple of mince pies.

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