Cancer dog update

Well it’s been over a year since the purchase of our schnoodle replacement dog, and in the meantime Ruby is maintaining her tenacious grip on life out of sheer bloody mindedness, it seems.

Several times I have messaged the family to warn them the end is nigh, only for Ruby to push on through every setback. The tumour is now enormous and eroded through the skin months ago, but hasn’t damaged anything vital so far.

Wearing the t shirt she got for Xmas (easier and more stylish than a cone of shame).
Naked for topical antibiotic ointment application to the raw area.

She gets grumpy at times, often reducing Goofy to a shivering wreck after a telling off. She spends a lot of time asleep, however, she can still run around happily at the beach, with only the occasional slight limp, so we haven’t yet felt the need to schedule that final vet visit. We’re just taking it one day at a time.

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