In the way

As I was cycling up the hospital driveway this morning, a taxi driver coming the other way gestured rudely at me, angrily pointing at the road as if to say “How is a man meant to do an honest day’s work when uppity cyclists keep muscling onto their roadway?”

Of course my first reaction was shame and embarrassment at being caught out in the wrong and being told off, but then I thought, hang on, isn’t that a two way cycle path? So after parking my bike in the underground car park, I walked back outside and had a look. And hey presto, I was right!

At that point my phone rang, because I was late for work and people were looking for me, and when I answered I lost my situational awareness and stood in the middle of the footpath, getting in the way of a lady also trying to get into the hospital who grumpily told me to get out of the way. So, I got the photo above but at the expense of inconveniencing a number of people. On balance i think it was worth it. Bloody taxi drivers!

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