Just chilling

I love Christmas, but my favourite week of the year is this one, between Christmas and New Year.

There’s a bit of pressure at both ends of the week to make sure all your guests are having a good time (family for Xmas, friends for New Years), but this lull in between is just about relaxing.

I found out to day that this week even has its own name.

If it sounds like a made up word, it literally is – it’s a neologism, a play on the word perineum I’m guessing. (Duh)

OK, it’s funny, but doesn’t convey the joy I usually feel around this time. I think the Northern Europeans have some jollier terms (typical). On the other hand, since I didn’t apply for leave for this week, due to a fear of running out of holiday time next year, and I have to go back to work tomorrow, maybe the more subversive term actually suits my mood better.

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