Cutting it fine

My daughter and her partner borrowed my Tesla for a road trip this week which I found very stressful.

I wasn’t worried they’d damage the car but rather it was range anxiety that had me checking my Tesla app every few minutes. They had planned a day trip to Bulls, as you do, but set off with less than the return journeys worth of battery in the car. My phone app allowed me to keep an eye on them the whole way – not just battery charge, but where they were, how fast they were going, the air con setting, and even what music they were playing. It wasn’t ‘spying’ so much as benevolent surveillance. Anyway, all’s well that ends well, and they managed to avoid having to pay for any fast charging en route and with only one unscheduled overnight stop in Waikanae, got home with battery power to spare. Oh to be young and have nerves of steel!

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