Time off for good behaviour

Did I show you this photo of what we came back to in our kitchen after a lovely meal out last Friday?

Hey, you left me behind! But don’t worry, I kept myself busy.

There was quite the sense of humour failure from my other half, but fortunately he seemed to have forgotten it by the following morning. Taking the dogs to the beach for the weekend was also a politic move on my part in the circumstances.
Entirely coincidentally, Goofy and I had a remedial dog training course booked for tonight. The class was fully booked. Bizarrely, there were four dogs called Pablo on the course, as well as two Finns and one Cersei.  I was nervous beforehand, as we aren’t the most successful duo the classes have ever seen. But as it turned out, we were fine. She’s still a nervy dog, but the instructor said she had a lovely nature, and that I was doing a good job of being in control. We weren’t the best team by any stretch of the imagination, but neither were we even in the bottom half of the class. There wasn’t just ignoring their owners, there was dogs attacking other dogs, jumping up and scratching people, and even biting the instructors. I think the doggy daycare Goofy has been going to has helped, but I’m actually starting to think that maybe one day she will be a good dog. If I can only convince him indoors that it’s still a possibility…

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