Just wrong

Couldn’t believe it when I saw a bunch of caterpillars on my swan plant last week. The poor plant is barely alive, let alone fully recovered from the ravages of the last monarch butterfly season.

I can’t include a photo here because there’s no way any of those caterpillars are going to survive with barely ten pitiful leaves between them. I’m going to have to avoid that part of the garden for another month or so to protect my overly delicate sensibilities. Pathetic, I know.

I was interested to learn recently that’s there’s a school of thought in philosophy that the natural world is too cruel to ethically exist.

A cursory search on Google just now hasn’t revealed the name of this movement, but I heard it on a National Radio program, and if Kim Hill said it, it must be true. It speaks to me actually, and I agree, as long as it’s not used as an excuse to destroy the earth, obviously. Life is pain. If all my caterpillars die of starvation after a few short weeks of living, is it better that they had never lived at all? My daughter is doing some stage 2 philosophy papers at Uni next year, maybe she’ll know. Must ask her next time she’s round for dinner. I know she has some pretty strong views that Goofy is at times too stupid and annoying to live, will that colour her views?

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