
Simon and I are currently reading the same book series. This has never ever happened before in the history of the world.
I started reading it first and must have talked it up because he started reading it shortly afterwards. Ironically it must have been him that bought it because I found it already there in our kindle library. It’s a fantasy thriller that’s really two books in one because the lead character is in two parallel stories in different worlds one or both or possibly neither of which are dreams.

The reason I’m writing this right now instead of reading it in the spa pool is because the screen has frozen, possibly due to the heat out here.
At the beginning, I was further ahead in the books because I’m the faster reader but in the last week, Simon has overtaken me, because he has much less going on in his life, so has more free time to read. This means that every time I start the kindle it asks me if I want to go ahead in the book to where he was last reading it. Really annoying. Also, I like the book, but I don’t love it, so I’m really not working hard to make the time to read it. If I liked it just a little bit less, I’d happily give it up and read something else. Life is hard.

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