I just discovered from my new book that almost three times more Americans believe in Satan as an actual physical being than believe in evolution.
Month: November 2022
Am reading a book called “Waking Up” by Sam Harris, subtitled ‘searching for spirituality without religion.’
Regrets; I’ve had a few
Had an accidental success in improving my own well-being a few weeks ago which I’ve been meaning to share but hadn’t yet got around to.
Trolled my loved ones yesterday by posting on the family chat that I’d got a new pet.
One of these things is not like the others
And I’m not talking about the Santa suit on Cancer Dog.
Cutting it fine
My daughter and her partner borrowed my Tesla for a road trip this week which I found very stressful.
For the first time in living memory, I identified the National Programme bird call on the radio this morning.
Time off for good behaviour
Did I show you this photo of what we came back to in our kitchen after a lovely meal out last Friday?
A sporting chance
Am currently participating in a half marathon.
As I drove home last night after a long day in theatre, I noticed the full moon had a bit of a shadow across it. Of course! It was the eclipse – I’d forgotten all about it.