Pet peeve

Body corps!

And, no, I’m not talking about some sort of Halloween zombie apocalypse scenario, although the term “mindless” might well be apposite.

Kiwis are notoriously wary of body corps, and no wonder. They seem to be a breeding ground for small-minded proto fascists, who delight in pedantry and following small print rules for their own sake. Their collective motto may well be “Ooh no, I don’t think so!” Or maybe just “No”. Whatever the opposite to “live and let live” is, anyway.

The best example I can think of is from a few years back, involving a petite redhead friend of mine who was blind. She had a seeing eye dog, a giant food-loving labrador. Whenever she visited her parents, who lived in an apartment building, she was required by the body corp to carry her dog through the corridors until she got to their flat. Absolutely deplorable but sadly typical.

Honestly, to get through climate change and the housing crisis, we’re going to have to learn to live with greater housing density. It can’t wait until these assholes all die of old age. They really have to – and I cannot emphasise this enough – f**k right off.

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