
So, the winner of the bird of the year competition this year is a very low profile candidate, but one that I actually voted for – the rock wren.

I was going to show you some pictures from my school certificate art portfolio that has a series of three of the rock wren, becoming progressively more stylised. It was a fantastic piece of art, way ahead of it’s time, as demonstrated by my feeble 51% bare pass mark in the subject that year. I’ve kept my high school art portfolio for all these years, just waiting for this opportunity. Cometh the day, cometh the artist! Unfortunately, my luck being what it is, I’ve just spent the last two hours fruitlessly searching the house for said portfolio with no success, in spite of the fact I swear I saw it only a couple of weeks ago…

Anyway, in lieu of that, here is the offical announcement from this morning.

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