Please seek professional help

Most impressed with a friend’s dyed eyebrows  at work last week, which led to a discussion amongst the hospital theatre staff present – all female in this case – on brow management.
One nurse commented that my brows were very pale and needed something doing, a flaw I hadn’t even realized I had. Mortifying. I came away inspired that micro blading was the answer. That confidence lasted for the approximately 20 minutes it took to get opinions from all my offspring on the family chat. Don’t do it! they said. Turns out they’ve all spent hours online researching eyebrows. It seems pale and even bleached brows are all the go amongst the younger set these days. I wasn’t convinced, so decided to try a semipermanent dye job.

I’ve never had anything done to my eyebrows before  – nor a manicure, pedicure, facial, waxing, or any of that stuff. The one time I got a massage I hated it. (Stop touching me!) A haircut is about as far as I’ll comfortably go. So, a home dye job it was. One of my children had done it before and said it was a breeze. Simple, private, and think of the money I’d save! And it all went very straightforwardly. I was even tempted to do a repeat application as it hadn’t made much of a difference. Thank goodness I didn’t because an hour later I noticed my brows getting darker and darker, and suddenly all these smudges and imperfections started appearing, until I began to resemble a Russian mobster called Boris, or that character from Brother Bear.

Separated at birth?

The guests we had for dinner that night were all very sympathetic, once they had stopped laughing, and they were full of helpful, if contradictory, advice.
I’ve found my own solution at work:

But what’s going to happen when I have to go outside bare headed? And more importantly, have I learned my lesson?? (Although to be fair, I’m pretty sure I know where I went wrong and it’d be an easy fix…)

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