The dog ate my homework

Goofy is doing her best to undermine democracy.
We don’t have a letterbox, but a mail slot in the front door, so that in the past we would come home to our mail tidily sitting on the mat just inside.
Unfortunately, with the arrival of our cockerpoo, all mail is viewed with great suspicion, and is usually rendered into confetti by the time we get home. So it was with my voting papers for the current local body elections.

My husband rigged up this contraption yesterday, let’s see how well it works in practice.

I’m quite keen to have my voice in the makeup of the city council this year. Turnout is usually low, so it’s quite possible that some number of loony fringe, anti vaxxer, nimby, cycle hating, climate change deniers will end up having far too much influence in Wellington’s future.
I’ve just got off the phone to the election assistance call centre. The person I spoke to was very kind and helpful, even asking what sort of dog I had. Not sure who chose this phone number though? She didn’t sound like she had the mark of the beast, but who knows? The devil can be a slippery customer at times.

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