
  • With all these recent examples of less than robust brain power, you may or may not be surprised by how long it took the penny to drop on one particular matter this week.
    I’ve often wondered why I don’t get more comments from patients when I do my post op ward rounds with the surgeons.  In fact, I get blank looks more often than thanks. It was only this week that it dawned on me – they don’t know who I am!

It was bad enough in the days before COVID, when patients would see you wearing your ordinary clothes out of theatre, instead of in your scrubs, and they would say “Oh! I didn’t recognize you with your clothes on…” Now, they either see me in my scrubs, with a mask and a hat which if I’m lucky will have “Kirsty anaesthetist” on it, or else I’m the strange woman with nice clothes and a mask and hat hair who is following their surgeon around. Little wonder they don’t always connect the two.

Who is that masked woman?
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