Mealy mouthed (or, doctors behaving badly)

I do feel sorry for politicians sometimes, never being able to say exactly what they’d like because of the need to be politic.

I heard Jacinda being interviewed on the radio this morning and she was asked about Dr Sharma, the MP that was a GP and who sounds like he was being a prick and a bully to his office staff and didn’t like being taken to task for it (or ‘managed’). Like a big baby he went to the press, whining about being bullied in turn. Of course, I imagine the PM would like to say “look, he’s just a f**king dickhead, and quite frankly, good riddance to him!”

I bet she’d love to have the freedom that the head of the orthopaedic society had when interviewed a little later in the programme about a lawsuit being brought against them by a bunch of radiologists worried about patch protection. The headline was “Doctors sue surgeons over proposed new competing radiology clinics”, and the radiologists say the surgeons are going to do unnecessary operations just to make money. To this, the orthopaedic surgeon said “That is just complete bollocks!”

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