
Walking the dogs through the cemetery  a few nights ago, Goofy barked at a man who suddenly loomed out of the darkness.

”Shut the f**k up with that barking, you c**t of a dog, or I’ll kick your head in”, he said as he walked past. I know some people don’t like dogs, particularly ones that bark, but she was on a lead, and was nowhere near him. Plus I’m just a little lady, and this guy was huge. Completely unnecessary arseholery, in my opinion.

Today, as I walked along the theatre corridor to check in with the acute coordinator about the brain aneurysm patient I was helping look after, I nearly bumped into one of the theatre orderlies coming the other way. I had to take a major swerve because he wasn’t budging. He’s an old white guy who’s been part of the furniture forever. “Ooops! Sorry!” I said. He replied with an unsmiling grunted “Keep to the left!”

Now, I’m not saying it would be a good thing if all the men on the earth were suddenly erased from existence, but it wouldn’t be 100% terrible, now would it, girls, lets be honest?

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