A trip to the mountains

Have come to National Park on the volcanic plateau to catch up with friends.

Terrifically lucky with the weather. Here is the view from where we are sitting contemplating ordering food, listening to the people behind us bitching about us taking up the best seats.

That is Mount Ngauruhoe out there. On the other side of the building is Ruapehu. Here is a picture of the Chateau Tongariro which is the place we are staying and where we are sitting right now.

I’m feeling a bit delicate after a big night last night. I hardly drank anything so not really sure why my tummy is rebelling. Possibly the mussel chowder? Anyway I’ve ordered some club sandwiches and hopefully that will settle things down. I’m keen to get more active this afternoon, possibly on the 6 km loop of the Falls Track. The rest of our friends are up on the mountain, getting a closer look at the snow. From the photos they’re sending, I’m guessing they successfully managed to negotiate themselves up on the chairlift as non skiers.

There is plenty to do at the Chateau even when the weather is bad. They have their own cinema downstairs, plus a heated pool and a sauna, both also down in the bowels of the building. The phrase “faded grandeur” describes the chateau rather well. It would need an enormous amount of money to really bring it up to scratch, and I’m guessing the pandemic hasn’t been kind in the way of tourist income. The rooms need renovating. The full size billiard table has a rip in the velvet and is out of bounds. There is dust on the curtains, and rot in the window sills. But at night, with the fire crackling and the chandeliers sparkling, and lovely tunes being played on the grand piano, it’s magical. Last night we dressed up in our glad rags and felt like we fitted right in, even though most people’s outfits could be described as smart casual at best.

Mask wearing is also perfunctory. I am coming to realise that Wellington is probably the most masked up city in the most masked up country in the world. It’s going to be a real eye opener when we head over to Europe next month. (Did I mention I’m going to France and Ireland in September?)

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