COVID update Thursday middayish (what is the time?)

Much the same. No worse, which is good.Feels like a cold at the moment. Runny nose and mild fatigue. Fat pants and sweat shirt was too much of a commitment this morning so I’m in a dressing gown. Have only done one dumb thing so far today, which was pressing the wrong button on the coffee machine. Hardly grounds for alerting the dementia unit. Surely I’m not going to get any sicker after all this time? I’d be really pissed off if I did – it would be the longest prodromal period in history.  In fact, I’m starting to feel a bit bored. I’m allowed to take the dogs for a walk but the weather is horrendous outside. I’ve spent some hours on the internet, keeping up to date with the international news situation and browsing online shopping. The novel I’m reading isn’t gripping me. Is it time to take up jigsaw puzzles again?

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