Wednesday 10 pm COVID update

Due to Goofy’s intensely irritating nature to a non dog lover who is sick (a combination of bouncing and barking), the pooches and I have been exiled to the beach house.

We are extremely lucky to have this place, which is the perfect location to isolate.
My COVID symptoms are much the same. I have a very mild sore throat and a post nasal drip. I also have a slight feeling of chestiness, like an awareness of my lungs without any tightness or coughing. It’s hard to explain. My biggest concern is a loss of brain power – I don’t really have IQ points to spare at this stage in my life. I’ve found myself several times a victim of brain fog over the last couple of days. Examples I can remember ( ! ) are trying to screw the milk bottle cap back on upside down, and being completely flummoxed as to how to make my keyboard DO ALL CAPITALS. I was trying to double tap the shift button instead of using the caps lock. Should I be worried? Please let me know if the standard of razor sharp wit in my posts starts dropping.

I’ve spent the day eating in front of the TV. It’s been too rainy to be lured outside. Haven’t lost my sense of taste yet but I’ve had some ice cream just to be on the safe side.

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