Here we go

Well, this is it. It seems the rugby match on Saturday is the gift that keeps on giving: Simon and I now have COVID,

I suppose it would be too much to expect the avid fan not to go to such a long anticipated game just because of a respiratory infection. I don’t remember anyone coughing particularly but there was certainly a lot of yelling at various points. And we weren’t as fastidious with our mask wearing as we could have been, either. And I was just reading an article yesterday about how we need to remain vigilant, because of all the potential long term effects of the virus,  which made me decide I was going to be much more careful from now on…

It’s all very mild so far. I had a dry cough yesterday evening, with some palpitations overnight, and a slight headache and sore throat this morning. Enough that I did a RAT test – which was negative, but decided to stay away from work anyway, while still feeling a bit of a fraud. I was lying in bed mid morning, wondering if I was well enough to go in for my acute session this evening, when my husband rang. He was mildly unwell with similar symptoms to me, but had tested faintly positive on his RAT, so he was coming home.

We’re both now napping in bed. All I’ve had to eat today are half a bag of chips, a salted caramel chocolate , and a drink of fruit juice. I’ve taken panadol and an anti inflammatory, and am now nervously waiting for things to get a lot worse.
Wish me luck.

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