Gender update

Our they/them offspring has come out as a he/him trans man.

This is good news for several reasons:

1) He’s settled within himself the gender that most expresses who he is. Obviously this is the most important positive note, but it’s not the only one!

2) He/him are much easier pronouns for those of us who struggle with they/them applied to just one person (is it just because I’m of a certain age demographic? Maybe)

3) The chances of him wanting to change the bold nose we both share with plastic surgery must surely have gone down. I’m assuming it’s mostly women who prefer to have cute little button noses?

4) The gender pay gap is now in his favour.

5) No more pink tax!

6) The son I’ve always wanted!

7) He wants me to add “as a young white man, he apologizes in advance” but here he’s exposing his feminine side. Surely in fact there’s never been a tougher time to be a white man boo hoo!

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