Old scheduling email 1st September 2017

This one is quite upbeat, which makes a nice change. There is a sense of optimism there, poor fool that I was!

From: Kirsty Jordan
Sent: Friday, 1 September 2017 1:11 p.m.
To: Wellington Anaesthesia All Staff
Subject: Kiwi

Hi All,

There is an Orange Parade marching it’s way to Parliament right now, but rather than being a sign of sectarian turmoil, it’s actually a bunch of school patrol children, proud of their achievement keeping kids safe on their way to school. I love this country. Not only are we nuclear free, but even our ongoing drizzly rain is peanuts compared to the biblical floods currently happening in Texas and parts of Asia. People are very honest, too. The other day I lost my ID at another hospital down the road. It was eventually returned to me by a tech. I asked her how she knew it was mine (just joshing, you know). However, she gave me a long explanation about how she asked a number of people, and no one knew whose it was – but then she finally recognized the lanyard as one I’d worn before. I’m still not sure if she was joking. OK, it expired in 2012, but it’s a photo ID, with my name and everything. I must say, sometimes I worry that it’s so out of date. What would happen if I was on call, speeding my way to hospital to get in the way of a registrar doing a perfectly good job of managing some emergency, when I got pulled over by the police? What if they didn’t believe I was still employed at CCDHB? OK, I’m going to have to add that to my to-do list (although just between us, I know for a fact mine isn’t the most expired ID in the department. Just saying).

Next week sees the welcome return of Romilla, joining Sheila in breaking into that overwhelmingly male bastion of the cardiac roster. Be afraid, you persecuted vanishing minority of white male privilege! It’s a sign of things to come – first cardiac, then the rugby, soon it will be Saint Jacinda for PM. Our part time female All Blacks certainly did terrifically well last weekend. They played an awesome game against the pro English team, competing successfully for the thimble sized World Cup Trophy, and in the middle of the night as well.


Romilla is cardiac third, so the boys can gently remind her how things are done here.


I am DA all day and into the night. I did try to spare myself this looong day, but it wasn’t to be.

Romilla is doubled up with Nicola M all day in trauma/gen acutes in OT 14. She will be getting paranoid by now that we don’t trust her at all after her time away.

OPD payback for Kirsten, who has given up lots of OPD lately for paeds cover. Today at short notice she had to anaesthetise an eye patient with NERP syndrome (or similar). Anyway, apparently the consensus in the world literature is to avoid GAs at all costs, so a combo of propofol and sevo is probably as good an option as any.


The last minute cancellation of the Mr B Kene paeds list (he’s gone to a nudist beach in Greece, according to Kirsten), leaves Dr C available all day. Considering the amount of sickness we’ve had lately, I’m sure the DA will find her something to do.

SMO ball on the Saturday! I got tickets and a dress, and then I remembered I hate this sort of thing. Oh well, my husband had a fantastic time last year without me so best I go along to make sure that doesn’t happen again.

Hasta pronto,


Ps. I’m planning on giving up scheduling this time next year. Yes, you can have too much of a good thing! We are looking for expressions of interest from anyone who wants to be gently schooled up on the intricacies of roster writing, and the joys of having Friday as OPD. Think about it.

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