
Well the MetService meteorologist wasn’t kidding on Friday when he said there was going to be “a lot of everything” weather wise this weekend.

It’s been a stormy time up here on the Kapiti Coast. Having spent most of the weekend snuggled up inside, I thought I’d try to sneak out for a short walk with the dogs yesterday afternoon. It was windy  and cold but the rain had stopped so I thought I might be lucky.  (If you know me, you know where this is going!)

I rugged up warm and headed out the gate. Within five minutes, the rain had started, and it got heavier and heavier as I headed towards the beach. Of course it was horizontal, blowing right into my face because of the gale force winds, but the dogs didn’t seem to mind too much. I let them off the lead and headed down through the dunes. I must have looked quite a sight as the hail started, laughing and shrieking manically, although the dogs weren’t enjoying it quite so much by now. They were huddling close to me, and looking up at me miserably as if to say, aren’t you meant to be looking after us? It was all fun and games until the lightening started. Suddenly I remembered the video of all the footballers falling to the ground when they were struck by lightening during a game some years ago, and the stories I’ve heard of how painful lightening strikes are. I started running home and didn’t stop until I was safely inside again. I didn’t even bother putting the leads back on the dogs. If my nosy neighbour wants to complain, she can go ahead. I was in fear of my life! Besides, the dogs were running too fast to take more than a cursory interest in the local waterfowl.

We then settled in for a very pleasant evening, sitting by the fire watching Stranger Things on Netflix, intermittently interrupted by crashes of thunder that sent the dogs confusedly running around barking, wondering why we were under attack.

I see this morning that there was another mini tornado overnight just round the corner from us.

“The community” clearly doesn’t include me as I slept through it. My house  and garden seem intact so far but I haven’t looked too closely at the swan plant. I’m a bit nervous the caterpillars have had to get aerial before they’re quite ready.

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