Garden update

While the first big storm of winter rages outside I thought I’d give you an update on the garden.

First of all, the disappointment.

Citrus tree with Goofy for scale

The grapefruit tree seems to have completed its transition to a mandarin. I guess you could construe this as a positive if you preferred mandarins. They are actually pretty nice – sweet, seedless, and easily peeled. It seems even the birds have cottoned on to the latter feature – the first time I’ve ever seen evidence of birds eating citrus. You can see the white remains of pith which is all that’s left of the ones the birds have been at. Actually, I’m assuming it’s birds which may just demonstrate a lack of imagination on my part. Anyway, it seems I’m going to have to admit defeat and plant another grapefruit tree elsewhere in the garden.

A surprise positive is another generation of monarch caterpillars on the swan plant.

I’m completely baffled by this. I do not associate butterflies with the depths of winter. However, who am I to judge? Good luck to them, I say.

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