What Fresh Hell is this?

With a newish puppy, that moment when you walk in the door after a long day at work is both a highlight – Oh My God you’re back! We love you! We love you! We love you! (In a way no human has ever been so happy and excited to see me), and also filled with trepidation – I wonder what has been destroyed today?

If you’re lucky, it’s just some chew toy that is absolutely fair game. Which does raise the question: how do they get so much stuffing into those things??

My friends are feeling a bit flat

If you’re less lucky, the pots plants may have had a seeing-to.

I expect the mail delivery is a daily highlight for Goofy. The post comes through a flap in the door so the dogs are cheated of a view (or taste) of the actual mail man, but what lands on the doormat is clearly extremely suspect and must be dealt with immediately.  Most of it is likely to be junk mail but sometimes you get tantalising glimpses of stuff that might be quite important – shredded envelopes which have come from the IRD for example. This keeps life exciting for us.

Nothing to see here

Of course, sometimes what’s been destroyed is something valuable and that’s quite upsetting. Nothing funny about Turkish carpets being gnawed on.

F**king dog!

However, I can always console myself that she’s getting older all the time and surely the destructive chewing puppy phase will end soon? Plus, by this age, our last dog, the malevolent cairn terrier Katie, had already destroyed multiple pairs of shoes, so we’re probably still ahead?

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